What is OUTLIER?

OUTLIER is a newsletter about health and medicine in the United States, and how we compare to the rest of the world. Because I am a sociologist, that means it’s about more than just health and medicine. It’s about topics like minimum wage laws, systemic racism, institutional trust, and the wide range of social factors that shape population health and help explain why the United States has become such an outlier on measures of health and life expectancy. Thinking about health this way has become fairly central to population health research, but I it seems not as common outside the field. This newsletter aims to bring medical sociology to the masses.

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About me

I am a medical sociologist who in a previous life covered health care as a reporter and editor. Since becoming an academic more than a decade ago, I have wanted to return to writing for non-academic audiences. This newsletter is an outlet for that. Updates will probably be sporadic and infrequent at first. But if you subscribe to the newsletter and engage with the posts, you will provide a little motivation to make this a regular thing.

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Medical sociology for the masses


Sociologist, author of OUTLIER: https://elyas.substack.com/